Saturday, September 17, 2011

There are times..

There are times when you regret being polite..

There are time when you can not bottle up your anger.. 

There are times when you become the person that you use to despise the most..

There are times when you want to cover your ears so you do not hear  that annoying voice and ignore whatever it is uttering..

There are times when you want to hold a gun  and keep firing till your target falls dead..

There are times when you cry for having such thoughts..

There are times when you have to remember all the good things that you have and be grateful for them  in order to cast away any evil thoughts..

There are times when you think that this is just corny and will never solve your problems..

There are times when you have to know that it will and remember  that no one is perfect and everyone is having their own share of problems and difficulties..