Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011


وها هي السنة تنطوي كغيرها من السنين إيذانا بافتتاح صفحة جديدة من عام جديد
نعاهد أنفسنا على أن نكون أقوى من ذي قبل نطمح للأفضل ونحقق المزيد.. نخلق ذكريات أجمل ونستمتع بما نملك
أغلقنا مسيرة عام صعبة صعدنا فيها المرتفعات ونزلنا المنحدرات شهدنا فيها ما لم نستطع حصره أو استيعابه.. انتفاضات وأعمال شغب، كوارث وحوادث، وفيات ومذابح، أوامر وفتاوى ..جميعها هزت العالم شغلت بالنا وأثارت ضجيجا في مجالسنا

ماذا تحمل لنا هذه السنة ؟ هل ستسمر المفاجاءات أم كان ذلك احتكارا للعام المنصرم
الوقت كفيل بالإجابة

Friday, December 30, 2011

Too Much..

Too much confidence is arrogance
Too much modesty is weakness
Too much curiosity is nosiness
Too much complain is whining
Too much caution is paranoia
Too much generosity is wasting
Too much bravery is recklessness
Too much pride is conceit
Too much idealism is delusion
Too much privacy is loneliness
Too much worry is pessimism
Too much monitoring is spying
Too much ignoring is carelessness
Too much selflessness  is negligence
Too much rest is laziness
Too much dream and reality will hit you hard in the face

Sunday, November 27, 2011


With a deep inhale humidity.. 

It is cold and you love it..

The ground is glistening wet, and the leaves are dripping..

The sky looks different.. very dark and covered with bold and bright red stains..

You raise your head with a stunned gaze and an oblivious smile..

Your feet drags your steps forward, arms slowly rise as if trying to hold on to the moment.. to physically grab it..

Your mind is blank.. it is just you and the cool breeze on your pale skin..

Your heart flutter, and a wonderful rush of happiness consumes you..

You let out a soft giggle..

Suddenly, your vision blurs stop and just stand there.. overwhelmed..

And it takes only one single blink for the tears to fall amidst a content smile..

 " you are just too beautiful.. rain"


ps: "Ame" is rain in Japanese 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

a Peaceful Forever


They say don't take everything for granted
But do we ever listen?!

Series of changes leave us stunned with pain or surprise and seldom happiness
It's even ironic for us to call those who believe in forever delusional
Silly how people can be so self absorbed!

We're just happy with things as they are, no twisted change can force us to break our peaceful routine, it has always been easier this way..

Yet changes do happen and none of us would dare to retaliate or even argue
No one questions his destiny after all since he won't get a justifying answer..

Joy, grief, solitude that rapidly and mercilessly attack a fragile heart are just too much
They make us oblivious to the smiles that crept our lips, the tears that blurred our vision, and the tingling that tweaked our hearts
Those just didn't matter anymore..

Even if they say prepare for the worst,
Even if they say stand still, there will always be a confused soul
It sure knows how life goes, but did that soul ever listen ?!
Perhaps it never will..


PS:this was written once upon a time..

Saturday, October 22, 2011

وغادرت الروح

"وكلما غادرتنا روح كانت يوما بيننا
كلما زاد يقيننا بأن الدنيا ليست مستقرنا 

مساء الرضى بالقضاء 
مساء اليقين بأننا غرباء هُنا"

وفاة عَلمين بارزين لم يفصل بين نهايتهما سوى يوم
يوم تهلل الناس فيه بمقتل العقيد وآخر نعوا فيه لوفاة أمير ذا عقل رشيد 

ثمينة هي حياة الانسان..إنها روحه..و نفسه ..جوهره و دليل وجوده 
لكن عندما تغادر إلى الرحمن لا يبقى منها سوى ذكرى عالقة في أذهان مجتمعه، أو شعبه في هذا السياق ..

اختلفت ردة الفعل.. شعب فرح وهلل وشعب بكى وحزن.. الاختلاف طبيعي لاختلاف الأثر الي تركه كل منهما..
رحمك الله يا سلطان الخير وتغمدك الله برحمته الواسعة وأسكنك جنة الخلد وأن يجزاك خير الجزاء لما قدمته للدين والوطن..

لم يرض أحد عاقل بما فعله القذافي بشعبه من حكم جائر وجرائم شنعاء، لكن آخر لحظاته مازالت عالقة في ذهني.. ساورني شعور غريب عند رؤيته ميتا بين شعبه 
أهو حزن ؟
أهي شفقة ؟
أهي مفارقة القدر ؟ سبحانك تعز من تشاء وتذل من تشاء..من قوة وتكبر إلى ذل وضعف..
تسابق شعبه لالتقاط صور جثته وتأكيد مقتله ليس منظرا مبهجا لكنه أكد أن كل ما يتبقى للمرء بعد وفاته هو عمله وذكرى تركها لمن بعده سواء طيبة أو مؤلمة..
كلما نشاهده من أحداث هي عبر نتعظ بها ..تجعلنا نعيد النظرفي كيفية عيشنا للحياة والتعامل مع من حولنا لأننا يوما ما سنحصد ثمار ما نزرع..

Saturday, September 17, 2011

There are times..

There are times when you regret being polite..

There are time when you can not bottle up your anger.. 

There are times when you become the person that you use to despise the most..

There are times when you want to cover your ears so you do not hear  that annoying voice and ignore whatever it is uttering..

There are times when you want to hold a gun  and keep firing till your target falls dead..

There are times when you cry for having such thoughts..

There are times when you have to remember all the good things that you have and be grateful for them  in order to cast away any evil thoughts..

There are times when you think that this is just corny and will never solve your problems..

There are times when you have to know that it will and remember  that no one is perfect and everyone is having their own share of problems and difficulties..

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Eid

greetings people ...Happy Eid وكل عام وانتم بخير 

hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL holiday

I am so grateful to be spending the Eid healthy with my family and loved ones, it was nice to catch up with those whom we didn't see for a long time.. it felt somewhat nostalgic

Eid  and holidays in general bring festive and exciting spirit and the bright mood is really amazing, that's why everyone should plan something special or a fun activity to make a memorable Eid